Another amazing butterfly trip, this time to Southeast and Central Peru from 10/20-11/21, 2014.
The trip was organized by Kim Garwood, expert and author of numerous publications on Neotropical Butterflies, and arranged with David Geale, another expert on neotropical butterflies
through his bird and butterfly tour company, Tanager Tours. Along for the ride were several other old and new friends, all of whom were great fun and rather good butterfliers and photographers.
The first part of the trip was to Southeast Peru, working our way from Cusco down the Manu Road, with several days in Ollantaytambo and the Abra Malaga Pass, and then Cock-of-the Rock Lodge, and Villa Carmen and Wayqecha Biological Stations.
For the second part of the trip to Central Peru, we drove from Lima over 4800m Ticlio Pass to spend several days in Oxampampa, Pozuzo, Satipo, and Pampa Hermosa.
More trip details can be found on my Natural
Moments blog.
With a full month of taking pictures all day long, it was no surprise to arrive back home with more than 3500 pictures, which I've managed to winnow down
considerably. All were taken with a Nikon D7100 and either my 70-300mm or 105mm macro lens.
This overview page has pictures of things other than butterflies from the trip, including some spectacular birds and other cool insects, while the
remainder of the pages have pictures of some of the estimated 700+ species of butterflies organized by family. I am indebted to Kim and Dave, along with several other experts for their help
in identification. As always, there are bound to be mistakes in some of the identifications shown here and corrections would be greatly appreciated.